Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Crockpot Coca-Cola Peach Barbecue Pork Chops

Bone-in pork chops, slow cooked in a Coca-cola and peach infused barbecue sauce.
Bone-in pork chops, slow cooked in a Coca-cola and peach infused barbecue sauce.

Barbecue Pork Chops

While the idea of a peachy or Coca-cola barbecue sauce is certainly not unique to me, this mixture is one that came to me one day when trying to think of something to do with pork chops and utilize the slow cooker, since so many of y'all are fans of the crockpot. I opened the fridge, saw a can of Coca-Cola Classic and this peach butter and voila, sounded good to me!

I always thought you could stick pretty much anything in a slow cooker and let it go all day while you were gone or at work and come home to a wonderful meal.

I'm finding, at least with the newer cookers, that just ain't so... well unless you like everything falling apart or shredded, so I'm still trying to become a fan of slow cookers to be honest.

I rather like the whole hands-on process of old-fashioned, low oven cooking and slow stove-top simmering, though admittedly, I know I have more time at this stage of my life for that, where many of the readers here do not - at least not on a day to day basis.

I can say that hands down, my favorite crockpot meals are made with pork and beef roasts, whether it's a beef roast for slicing, or a recipe for Italian Beef or BBQ Beef fully intended to be shredded for sandwiches.

A pork butt or shoulder rocks pretty cool in a slow cooker too, especially for a cheater pulled pork - gotta love that! Ribs are nice, beans are good, even some soups, but I'm still iffy on some of the other things, especially white meat chicken and pork chops... and anything with rice.

Oh the tricks there are to learn!

These bone-in chops were about 1/2-inch thick and came just short of the falling apart stage at about 5 hours. Truth is, I might have been able to serve them at 4, so this probably isn't a recipe you'd want to drop in if you're gone from home for say, 9 or more hours.

The result was a tasty barbecue chop with a nice accent of peach - nothing overwhelming but an interesting little punch of flavor.

Here's how to make my Crockpot Coca-Cola Peach Barbecue Pork Chops.

First, whisk together the tomato sauce, Coke, peach butter (jam or preserves are fine too), Worcestershire sauce, Cajun seasoning, brown sugar and garlic powder. Taste and adjust seasonings to your liking.

Season the chops generously with salt and pepper. I used some bone-in chops here and though you could certainly use boneless chops, keep in mind that they cook even faster than bone-in.

I guess you don't really have to, but I browned my chops in hot oil before adding them to the crock. Remember though, you're only giving them a sear for color, not to cook them. Brown them in batches so you don't end up overcrowding and steaming them instead of searing them.

Give each chop a little dip in the sauce pool before placing them into the crockpot in layers. What? You can't tell I did that? That's because I put the chops in, took the picture, realized I wanted to dip them, dipped them and didn't take another picture.

Hey, this ain't no "got all day to photo style" kinda food blog. This is a "get it done so the fam can eat" kinda food blog... what can I say?! ;)

Pretend you also see chopped onion here - I wrote the recipe for it, and then totally forgot it! Please see above statement and don't forget to add about a cup of chopped onion in layers with the chops. Pour the sauce on top. Cover and cook on low for somewhere between 4 to 6 hours.

Now... the way your crockpot cooks may vary from mine (which seems to cook everything on high no matter what), but at about 4-1/2 hours my chops were tender and done and pretty close to falling apart. I have found with crockpot meals it helps with some foods if you use a wide spatula {affil link} to extract them so they don't fall apart on you. It's a handy kitchen tool to have around for crockpot meals.

I didn't find a need to thicken the sauce for this, though you certainly could if you like. Just tent the chops to keep them cozy and warm and simply transfer the sauce to a saucepan to boil and reduce.

Serve with a starch like some roasted potatoes or my everyday macaroni and cheese - which I made stovetop instead of baking this time - and maybe a nice side salad or a green veggie of some kind. Enjoy!

For more of my favorite slow cooker recipes, visit my page on Pinterest!

If you make this or any of my recipes, I'd love to see your results! Just snap a photo and hashtag it #DeepSouthDish on social media or tag me @deepsouthdish on Instagram!

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Posted by on September 14, 2011

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