
Monday, January 29, 2024

Chicken and Corn Chowder

A creamy chowder made with a light roux, bacon and the trinity of vegetables, in a chicken stock and milk base, with chicken, corn and potatoes.
A creamy chowder made with a light roux, bacon and the trinity of vegetables, in a chicken stock and milk base, with chicken, corn and potatoes.

Chicken and Corn Chowder

I've got another new soup to share with y'all for National Soup Month before we roll out of this crazy January. We warmed up a few days and are now heading back to a little bit of a chill down here along the Gulf Coast, but thankfully not nearly as crazy cold as it was recently!

Y'all. We came close to having snow here along the beaches in that round, but all we ended up with was some sleet. Snow always seems to just miss us.

Certainly it's the season for soups, stews, chili, gumbo and... chowders! Although a lot of us enjoy all of those year round, winter is a perfect time for a good soup and I love trying new ways to make it!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Social Media Roundup Soups and Stews 1

A collection of soups and stews shared on social media, that you may have missed!

Social Media Roundup Soups and Stews 1

Man has this been a crazy winter or what?

While we in the Deep South have had some extended freezes, as I watch footage shared across weather media, I wonder how some of y'all deal with that kind of weather in your day to day lives. Watching cars and trucks uncontrollably slipping and sliding on icy roads, slamming into buildings and each other like little matchbox cars, it scares me to death!

And then there's something some of us are experiencing that our elders never really prepared us for.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Social Media Roundup Comfort Food Favorites 3

Comfort Food Favorites 3

This sure has been a crazy month in the Deep South with all of these winter storms rolling through. We have readers from all across the country so I know that a lot of you have been affected by them too. Even here in the Deep South we've had multiple freezes lasting well into the day even, and that's highly unusual for us.

Be safe, stay warm and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

We've been sharing some good comfort meals on social media lately, so we're continuing that and if you're looking for some belly warming foods, here's a summary of what we've shared recently.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Social Media Roundup Comfort Food Favorites 2

Social Media Roundup - Comfort Food Favorites 2

Y'all. I can't believe we are halfway through the month of January already!

As much as it seems that life stands still when you're young, I can assure you that when you hit "a certain age" it flies. Seems like my grandchildren were toddlers yesterday and here they are teens and preteens.

I know that a lot of you are on hiatus from your favorite cooking blogs - but don't forget about us!! We're still plugging along and with this crazy weather if you're looking for some great comfort food options to warm those bellies, we've been sharing some good stuff over on social media!

Monday, January 8, 2024

Stovetop Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti

A quick skillet pasta meal of thin spaghetti noodles with chicken, diced tomatoes with green chilies, the trinity with garlic, shredded cheese and cream soup, prepared stovetop.

Stovetop Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti

When we talk about spaghetti, most everyone first thinks about spaghetti noodles in a tomato-based sauce that has either a ground beef base or meatballs. Delish!

But, there is a whole world of spaghetti to be had out there y'all!

Down here along the Gulf Coast, shrimp spaghetti is a top favorite, as is a Creole daube made from a roast, along with an andouille based spaghetti but, there's also veggie spaghetti, cowboy bacon spaghetti and many others to be had also.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Slow Cooker Mac and Cheese

My almost famous Super Creamy Special Occasion Macaroni and Cheese downsized and adapted for the slow cooker, shown here on my plated Christmas dinner.
My almost famous Super Creamy Special Occasion Macaroni and Cheese downsized and adapted for the slow cooker, shown here on my plated Christmas dinner.

Slow Cooker Mac and Cheese

If you've been around here any length of time, you probably already know about my Big Batch, No Calories Left Behind, Special Occasion Macaroni and Cheese. It's become a holiday favorite for so many of you over the years.

The one thing though?

It really is a "big batch," and you don't always need that much, so I published a smaller version for those not so huge gatherings too and y'all loved that just as much.