
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lazy Daisy Cake

A simple, tender and light, old-fashioned hot milk cake, but the real star here is the broiled, caramel and coconut topping.

Lazy Daisy Cake

Some of you will fondly remember this cake from your mother or grandmother's kitchen from long, long ago. Others of you likely have never heard of it.

Back in the day, dessert was as much a part of the supper plate as were meat and three, and this cake often made an appearance. Called Lazy Daisy Cake, and sometimes Busy Day Cake, because it is just simply so easy to throw together, it is really just a very basic, old fashioned, boiled milk pan cake.

The cake itself is wonderfully tender and light, but what sets it apart, is this lovely, crunchy, broiled caramel and coconut topping.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Apple Fritter Rings

Thin rings of apples are dipped into a sweetly seasoned cinnamon and nutmeg batter and then fried. Best served hot!

Apple Fritter Rings

Yay, it's apple season! Well, it's at least the beginning of apple season and you'd know it too if you follow any food blogs because apple recipes have been in abundance around the net. I love apples in cake, cobbler, in pie, baked, even simply sliced up and dipped in peanut butter - a treat I can certainly get easily carried away with.

Fritters are a fun way to enjoy apples for a change too, and while there are a couple of ways to make them, I especially love them fried in rings like this. I also love them in a drop style, deep fried fritter, similar to my corn fritters - those I'll do next.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Where I've Been

Happy Autumn y'all!

After a full week in Florida at Disney with my son, daughter in law and our two beautiful grand-babies, we arrived home last night. Exhausted. Sunburned. Blistered. Broke. Did I mention exhausted? But... we had a blast with those babies!

I brought my laptop with me with the full intent of working a bit, but either ran out of time or energy or mostly both to be honest by day's end. After hearing from a few readers, I figured I better at least 'splain my absence!

It was my first vacation in 4 years, so I hope you'll forgive me and stay tuned - I'll be back soon with some new recipes.

Photo Credit

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Crockpot Coca-Cola Peach Barbecue Pork Chops

Bone-in pork chops, slow cooked in a Coca-cola and peach infused barbecue sauce.
Bone-in pork chops, slow cooked in a Coca-cola and peach infused barbecue sauce.

Barbecue Pork Chops

While the idea of a peachy or Coca-cola barbecue sauce is certainly not unique to me, this mixture is one that came to me one day when trying to think of something to do with pork chops and utilize the slow cooker, since so many of y'all are fans of the crockpot. I opened the fridge, saw a can of Coca-Cola Classic and this peach butter and voila, sounded good to me!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oatmeal cookies, filled with chocolate chips, and a glass of milk, is a delicious way to usher in cooler temperatures.
Oatmeal cookies, filled with chocolate chips, and a glass of milk, is a delicious way to usher in cooler temperatures.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

If my husband had to pick a favorite cookie, I'm pretty sure it'd probably be good ole chocolate chip. I love those too, but hands down my all-time favorite cookie would have to be oatmeal.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tangy Crab Bread Appetizer

Crabmeat mixed with a tangy blend of sour cream and mayo, layered on French bread with cream cheese and Monterey Jack cheese. Cut into slices and serve hot for a great appetizer! 
Crabmeat mixed with a tangy blend of sour cream and mayo, layered on French bread with cream cheese and Monterey Jack cheese. Cut into slices and serve hot for a great appetizer!

Tangy Crab Bread

There once was a local seafood restaurant called Catch of the Day, where us gals used to gather on occasion after a long day at the office.

Okay. It may have been more often than occasionally that we gathered to gossip, moan and complain about work and co-workers, over a nice tall glass of Long Island iced tea and listen to a little music.

It was quite a popular after-work place there for a few years.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Classic Old Fashioned Macaroni Salad

A classic, old fashioned macaroni salad, made with elbow macaroni, sweet onion, celery, chopped pickles, and pimento - simple, the kind that grandma used to make.
A classic, old fashioned macaroni salad, made with elbow macaroni, sweet onion, celery, chopped pickles, and pimento - simple, the kind that grandma used to make.

Classic Old Fashioned Macaroni Salad

Before there were pasta salads filled with all sorts of yummy goodies, there was the humble macaroni salad. Usually a very simple concoction containing elbow macaroni, a little celery, most always pickles and pimentos here in the south, and sometimes onion, it's dressed usually with a very classic mayonnaise dressing.